Kenkia Basket


The Kenkia basket is inspired by a large gourd traditionally used for carrying water. This full-bodied basket is a feat of weaving and despite the simple design you see, it takes an experienced weaver to fulfil the proportions so elegantly!

An art sculpture in its own right, alternatively the Kenkia basket is also the perfect woven vessel for foliage and flowers.. simply insert a glass jar into the neck of the vase, sit it on the base on the basket and voila you have yourself a woven vase.

HANDWOVEN IN GHANA : By master weavers at The Baba Tree. This exquisitely woven community of artisans practice a time-honoured weaving technique and their very own “rhythm and flow”.


Materials: Natural Veta Vera grass

Dimensions: H45cm x W54cm approximately. 

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The Kenkia basket is inspired by a large gourd traditionally used for carrying water. This full-bodied basket is a feat of weaving and despite the simple design you see, it takes an experienced weaver to fulfil the proportions so elegantly!

An art sculpture in its own right, alternatively the Kenkia basket is also the perfect woven vessel for foliage and flowers.. simply insert a glass jar into the neck of the vase, sit it on the base on the basket and voila you have yourself a woven vase.

HANDWOVEN IN GHANA : By master weavers at The Baba Tree. This exquisitely woven community of artisans practice a time-honoured weaving technique and their very own “rhythm and flow”.


Materials: Natural Veta Vera grass

Dimensions: H45cm x W54cm approximately. 

The Kenkia basket is inspired by a large gourd traditionally used for carrying water. This full-bodied basket is a feat of weaving and despite the simple design you see, it takes an experienced weaver to fulfil the proportions so elegantly!

An art sculpture in its own right, alternatively the Kenkia basket is also the perfect woven vessel for foliage and flowers.. simply insert a glass jar into the neck of the vase, sit it on the base on the basket and voila you have yourself a woven vase.

HANDWOVEN IN GHANA : By master weavers at The Baba Tree. This exquisitely woven community of artisans practice a time-honoured weaving technique and their very own “rhythm and flow”.


Materials: Natural Veta Vera grass

Dimensions: H45cm x W54cm approximately.